2-channel electrophysiology amplifiers

3 companies | 4 products
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EMG electrophysiology amplifier
EMG electrophysiology amplifier

The most affordable for standard NCS tests. Each channel offers 5pin DIN connector (that also includes pin for Patient Ground and shielding) or individual Active and Reference 1.5 mm Touch-Proof connector. Additionaly ...

EEG electrophysiology amplifier
EEG electrophysiology amplifier

The most user-friendly interface of any neurofeedback system, the BrainFeedback 2 includes specialized neurofeedback 3D games, trend graph reports and an advanced protocol setup utility as well as new Z-Score training.

EMG electrophysiology amplifier
EMG electrophysiology amplifier

... required ◉ Excitation source and amplifier enable are software controlled, allowing optimisation of power consumption ◉ Two channels of output from bridge amplifier, providing both ...

EMG electrophysiology amplifier
EMG electrophysiology amplifier

NEUROWERK EMG – High quality amplifiers for any application 24-bit A/D converter high sampling rate per channel Connection for temperature sensor Internally switchable reference electrode

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