65x130 cm mattresses

2 companies | 4 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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hospital bed mattress
hospital bed mattress
Air Egg Kid

Thickness: 18 cm
Weight capacity: 15 kg - 70 kg

Air EggKID is the new line of dynamic antidecubitus system, avaible in 2 outputs in paediatric age. The interface, being very simple, intuitive as the use of the icons and of the tecnhnology advanced S.M.A.C.S., allows the system ...

hospital bed mattress
hospital bed mattress

Weight capacity: 1,280 lb

... wound irritation. The antibacterial material reduces the risk of skin infection and wound irritation. While inflated, the mattress forms a floating system and requires only 15%-25% effort in moving the patient, which ...

See the other products
hospital bed mattress
hospital bed mattress

Weight capacity: 1,280 lb

... through scientific rationale to be Radiolucent and MRI safe since it is constructed of non-metal and electrically non-conductive or magnetic materials. ● Made of special washable material, the air transfer mattress ...

See the other products
hospital bed mattress
hospital bed mattress

Weight capacity: 1,280 lb

... recycled fabrics are available to be applied to the air transfer mattress. Imaging compatible The air transfer mattress has been determined through scientific rationale to be Radiolucent ...

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