Adult nebulization masks

5 companies | 6 products
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adult nebulization mask
adult nebulization mask

Adult face mask compatible for use with all MABIS brand nebulizers Adjustable straps allow for a secure fit with most users Requires an extension tube (40-275-000) for use with ultrasonic nebulizer, ...

pediatric nebulization mask
pediatric nebulization mask

... be customized Packing: packed in individual pack, 50 pcs/carton or 100 pcs/carton Sizes available: - Adult Elongated ( XL ) - Adult European ( L ) - Pediatric ( M ) - Infant ( S )

adult nebulizing mask
adult nebulizing mask

Size: Adult: XL/L4/L3/L Child: M2/M/S Pediatric: XS Color: Transparent white/green/blue Material: Medical Grade PVC

pediatric nebulization mask
pediatric nebulization mask
00569 series

tracheotomy nebulization mask
tracheotomy nebulization mask

Tracheotomy mask, for adults Packaging: Box containing 50 pieces singly packaged

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tracheotomy nebulization mask
tracheotomy nebulization mask

Venturi type tracheotomy mask including a sure flow tubing and a kit of coloured adapters for different oxygen concentration flowing, for adults

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