Analog laboratory emulsifiers

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2 companies | 2 products
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rotary laboratory emulsifier
rotary laboratory emulsifier
Rotostat ™

Rotational speed: 410 rpm - 19,140 rpm

The Rotostat emulsifier features our Optishear technology. The unique patented revolving stator, when combined with the close-clearance, driven rotor and high efficiency lower propeller, optimizes shear rates, pumping ...

analog laboratory emulsifier
analog laboratory emulsifier
AE 300S-H

Rotational speed: 200 rpm - 13,000 rpm
Temperature range: 40 °C

AE 300S-H laboratory shear emulsifying machine uses a compact mini series excited motor drive speed for as low as laboratory or pilot plant, stirred mixture of high-viscosity liquids, grinding particulate ...

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