Bariatric retractors

3 companies | 5 products
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abdominal retractor
abdominal retractor

Surgery retractor system The retractor system operates manually with self-locking functions. The system applies to separate tissues or anatomical structures to increase exposure of internal tissues or ...

abdominal retractor
abdominal retractor

Surgery retractor system The retractor system operates manually with self-locking functions. The system applies to separate tissues or anatomical structures to increase exposure of internal tissues or ...

liver retractor
liver retractor
697 series

... last several years Nathanson Retractors have become the most popular laparoscopic liver retractors available. Their unique shape makes them the only device that can retract the entire liver. The Mediflex® ...

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Mediflex Surgical Products
bariatric retractor
bariatric retractor

Articulating Esophageal Dissector and Retractor. This device is ideal for GERD and Bariatric Procedures where the esophogus needs to be dissected along the crus. The edges of the articulating dip can ...

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Mediflex Surgical Products
surgical retractor
surgical retractor

Improved access and visualisation • Smaller space envelope required compared to triangular retractors • Stable platform: Large contact area The innovative SmartFlex™ technology is designed, developed and manufactured ...

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