Beam baby scales

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precision baby scale
precision baby scale
450 Series

Weighing capacity: 65, 130 kg
Readability: 20, 1 g
Width: 56 cm

DETECTO’s mechanical baby scales provide the ultimate in safety for pediatric patients while also utilizing the time-tested, reliable DETECTO weigh beam for highly-accurate ...

mechanical baby scale
mechanical baby scale

Weighing capacity: 16 kg
Readability: 10 g
Width: 300 mm

... curved baby tray will hold the infant securely in place. Additional weights such as diapers can be deducted by the use of the manual tare function. Description Simple and quick to use sliding weight ...

mechanical baby scale
mechanical baby scale

See the other products
Jiangsu Suhong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd
mechanical baby scale
mechanical baby scale

See the other products
Jiangsu Suhong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd
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