Biliary drainage sets

3 companies | 4 products
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wound drainage set
wound drainage set

Capacity: 400 ml

wound closed hollow suction drainage system Innitial negative pressure:113-225mmHg Features: each system is equipped with an extension tube with flow regulator and relevant multi-gauge connector adaptable to drainage ...

wound drainage set
wound drainage set

Capacity: 200 ml

wound drainage set component: trocar+drainage tube+reservior ball+drainage bag can be avalible with various types of drainage tube ( from perforated, ...

biliary drainage set
biliary drainage set
DB3B Series

... other gastric secretions. Easy connection to a Pennine nasogastric tube (Ryles / Levins tube) or with Kehr's tube after bile duct surgery.FeaturesChoice of 2 bottom outlets - capped or stop cock for cleaner emptying ...

urinary drainage set
urinary drainage set

NonVascular Introducer set NonVascular Introducer Kit  Mini Access for NonVascular applications Access nonvascular introducer set Introducer System with RO Marker Introducer System - with Radiopaque ...

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