Children sphygmomanometers

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5 companies | 6 products
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hand-held sphygmomanometer
hand-held sphygmomanometer

Measured pressure range: 0 Torr - 300 Torr

babyphon® palm-style aneroid sphygmomanometer that is designed for paediatric use and comes with a comprehensive range of cuffs for child, baby and infant. with choice of gauges and combination ...

automatic sphygmomanometer
automatic sphygmomanometer

Cuff size: 18 cm - 43 cm

HINGMED ABP-03B digital sphygmomanometer ABPM, your trusted companion for precise and comprehensive blood pressure monitoring. Engineered with clinical precision, this device delivers accurate readings that meet the highest ...

aneroid sphygmomanometer
aneroid sphygmomanometer

Measured pressure range: 0 Torr - 300 Torr

Description: Zinc/ Aluminium alloy gauge; Nylon child cuff:38*11cm 、2-Tube child size latex bladder:15*8cm 、Measure scope: 0-300mmHg、Accuracy:+/-3 mmHg, Sub-division: 2mmHg、 Packaging:BOX size:52*38.5*32 cm

hand-held sphygmomanometer
hand-held sphygmomanometer

Measured pressure range: 0 Torr - 300 Torr

The new innovation aneroid sphygmomanometer is designed for any condition that needs various sizes of cuff. Precision crafted 300 mmHg of manometer palm style gauge with enhanced shock resistance of movement housing ...

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Sugih Instrumendo Abadi
hand-held sphygmomanometer
hand-held sphygmomanometer

Measured pressure range: 0 Torr - 300 Torr

A compact aneroid sphygmomanometer designed for emergency purposes which provided in five sizes of cuff (Infant, Child, Adult, Large Adult and Thigh). A wide range cuffs selection makes the user easy to apply a necessary ...

See the other products
Sugih Instrumendo Abadi
aneroid sphygmomanometer
aneroid sphygmomanometer

Cuff size: 9.6 cm - 26.7 cm
Measured pressure range: 0 Torr - 300 Torr

Storage and Delivery Conditions Temperature: 20°C ~ 70°C Humidity: ≤85% RH Air Pressure: 50 ~ 106 kPa

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