Chlorhexidine-based disinfectants

3 companies | 7 products
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surface disinfectant
surface disinfectant

Antivirus disinfectant Covid Ox is a ready-to-use, high concentrated, quick-acting disinfectant for killing and preventing viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, especially during a viral epidemic. It has an ...

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surface disinfectant
surface disinfectant

Antivirus disinfectant Covid Ox is a ready-to-use, high concentrated, quick-acting disinfectant for killing and preventing viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, especially during a viral epidemic. It has an ...

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surface disinfectant
surface disinfectant

Antivirus disinfectant Covid Ox is a ready-to-use, high concentrated, quick-acting disinfectant for killing and preventing viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, especially during a viral epidemic. It has an ...

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surface disinfectant
surface disinfectant

Antivirus disinfectant Covid Ox is a ready-to-use, high concentrated, quick-acting disinfectant for killing and preventing viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, especially during a viral epidemic. It has an ...

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hand and body hygiene disinfectant
hand and body hygiene disinfectant
MidoSept C

MidoSept Q is a ready-to-use, quick-acting uncolored skin antiseptic based on Quaternary ammonium compounds. MidoSept C is a ready to use, fast acting antiseptic for the skin. Intended for antiseptic and degreasing ...

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hand and body hygiene disinfectant
hand and body hygiene disinfectant

Mild and gentle formula with nourishing and moisturizing agents. Bactericidal, virucidal and yeasticidal efficacy.

liquid disinfectant
liquid disinfectant

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