Dental X-ray film processors

3 companies | 4 products
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intraoral X-ray film processor
intraoral X-ray film processor
Periomat Plus

... for intraoral X-ray films. With Dürr Periomat Intra/C+ - X-Ray Chemical it only takes five minutes to develop up to eight films. Flap ...

See the other products
Dürr Dental
dental X-ray film processor
dental X-ray film processor

... rate (l/min) - 2 - Water pressure (min/max (bar)) - 2/6 Tank volume (developer/fixer (l)) - 5/5 - Dimensions (H x W x D cm) - 44 x 42 x 51 - Weight (kg) - 25

See the other products
Dürr Dental
intraoral X-ray film processor
intraoral X-ray film processor
Peri-Pro, Peri-Pro III

... your solution for developing intraoral film.Film is gently and quickly guided through each cycle by stainless steel arms and gravity to ensure your radiographs are of the highest quality.KEY ...

dental X-ray film processor
dental X-ray film processor
AFP 810

Although our 810 series of x-ray film processors has been retired, we are offering a replacement kit for owners of existing 810 film processors ...

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