Differential refractometers

3 companies | 3 products
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Abbe refractometer
Abbe refractometer

The AR2008 determines the refractive index between nD 1.3000–1.7200 and the sugar content in the range of 0–95 %Brix of liquid, viscous as well as solid samples. The dry substance content in % and the dispersion value nF-nC can be calculated. ...

differential refractometer
differential refractometer

... solution other than distilled water, solutions of higher concentration can also be measured. Method of measurement - Differential optical refraction Range - 0.000 to 2.000% for sucrose solution.it is possible to measure ...

differential refractometer
differential refractometer

The BI-DNDC is a deflection type refractometer that may be purchased for use in either batch or GPC/SEC mode. In batch mode, the specific refractive index increment, dn/dc, is determined. This value is required as a parameter ...

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