FRAP microscopes

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3 companies | 4 products
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multiphoton laser scanning microscope
multiphoton laser scanning microscope

Transform your images with the FLUOVIEW™ FV4000MPE multiphoton laser scanning microscope. Advanced imaging technology reveals the details and dynamics of your samples while providing quantitative image data that can enhance ...

inverted microscope
inverted microscope
IXplore TIRF

... surface and single molecules and minimizing background noise cellTIRF-4Line system has integrated point FRAP optics for the first laser line, enabling FRAP and photo-switching experiments with no additional ...

optical microscope
optical microscope

The Asylum Research MFP-3D-BIO sets the standard for integrating AFM and optical microscopy for bioscience research. It is the only bio-AFM that makes no compromises to AFM imaging resolution, force measurement performance, ...

optical microscope
optical microscope

Comprehensive turn-key bespoke microscopes, built to order on an open-source platform Rapid development environment for exploitation of new techniques and technologies Compact and affordable base for specialised and ...

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