- Dental >
- Dental laboratory >
- Freestanding dental laboratory workstation
Freestanding dental laboratory workstation
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... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
... SERIES 84 meets every need and has been always in great demand. One of the most well-known and apprecia- ted line in the dental industry, it is still in the market.
Hexagonal island with three work places. Work-top and shelf in solid beech, handles and panels in the colour required. Maximum dimensions: cm172x198. Size: Top m² 3.40 Accessories: 3ELED, 3SM, 3PR/PVC, ME/IS/L, 3PANNELLI Colour: ...
Size: 2 PM cm 262×60 Accessories: 4ELED , 4SM, 4PR, 2ME (202cm), 2 PAN. Colour: RAL 1018 In every working place there is a gas tap. Connect each qas tap to the qas pipe network. When the table is powered from the rear, prepare on the ...
Size: cm 210 x 182 Accessories: 3SOASP, 3SOPRO, 3SOLED, 3RAR0192 , 3RAR0194 Led light 48W for working tables.This is a modern and innovative lighting device,light emission is completely flicker-tree with a consequent improvement of ...
... but is complete with all accessories useful for the work of dental technician and dentist. Its main feature is the EASY MOUNTING! The assembly instructions and tools allow the dental technician ...
With Pop-Trendy the prosthodontic practice dresses with colours, shapes and functions that are always actual. The configurations can be mounted against the wall or as an isle, with the tops characterized by decorations in trendy colours.
Eco-Urban is a project of furniture for the prosthodontic practice, in which space becomes sharing, efficiency and flexibility. Its style is characterized by the combination of white, grey or oak laminate and by front sides and decorations ...
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