Gynecological surgery retractors

4 companies | 4 products
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abdominal retractor
abdominal retractor

Surgery retractor system The retractor system operates manually with self-locking functions. The system applies to separate tissues or anatomical structures to increase ...

vaginal retractor
vaginal retractor

Used for the retraction of vaginal walland mode to fit inside any standard speculum to expand past blades of speculum. Allows for greater exposure of cervix for safer, more accurate procédures.

laparotomic surgical retractor
laparotomic surgical retractor
80 series

This type of retractors is fastened to surgical table and it is intended for use during open surgical procedures in order to provide surgical access by retraction of ...

vaginal retractor
vaginal retractor

The GUARDIAN Vaginal Retractor provides optimal access and visualization of the complete circumference of the vagina and perineal tissue during episiotomy or laceration repair. This lightweight disposable ...

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