Non-magnetic pulse oximeters

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3 companies | 5 products
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compact pulse oximeter
compact pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 18 unit - 321 unit
Oxygen level: 0 % - 100 %
Battery life: 30 h

... variety of indicators ensure reliable reading: a color-coded pulse strength bar graph, pulse quality indicator, and sensor fault indicator Nonin SpO2 Sensors Compatible with Nonin ...

fingertip pulse oximeter
fingertip pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 25 unit - 250 unit
Oxygen level: 35 % - 100 %
Battery life: 15 h

... for more than 15 hours, more environmentally friendly and energy-saving. With function setting operation menu SpO2 value display Pulse rate value display low power consumption Low battery reminder

fingertip pulse oximeter
fingertip pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 25 unit - 250 unit
Oxygen level: 35 % - 100 %
Battery life: 15 h

Finger Pulse Oximeter BM1000C Item No.: BM1000C With LCD Screen.Test spo2 and pulse frequency, LCD display, pulse strength and numerical value can ...

fingertip pulse oximeter
fingertip pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 25 unit - 250 unit
Oxygen level: 35 % - 100 %
Battery life: 15 h

Finger Pulse Oximeter BM1000B Item No.: BM1000B Bluetooth OLED. It's a convenient device for monitoring spo2, pulse rate, pulse intensity and plethysmogram. Convenient Compact ...

fingertip pulse oximeter
fingertip pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 30 unit - 250 unit
Oxygen level: 36 % - 99 %

... results - oxigen saturation, pulse Measurement type - non-invasive Display update cycle - no more than 12 s LCD real time indicator - bar graph Batteries contunuous use - 12 hours Resistance to ambient ...

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