Pack of 40 cleansing wipes

5 companies | 5 products
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surface cleansing wipes
surface cleansing wipes

... schülke wipes can be used for disinfecting the surfaces of and cleaning non-invasive medical devices as well as all types of surfaces. We offer the following articles: schülke wipes 40 ...

surface cleansing wipes
surface cleansing wipes

Bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal Apply on the area to be cleaned.

surface cleansing wipes
surface cleansing wipes

Chlorine Disinfection Wipes integrates cleaning and disinfection. Contains sodium hypochlorite disinfection components. It can kill intestinal pathogens, pyogenic cocci, pathogenic yeasts, common bacteria in hospital ...

hand and body hygiene cleansing wipes
hand and body hygiene cleansing wipes

The disinfectant wipes, with the function of cleaning, moisturizing and disinfecting, no water needed, is very convenient to clean and disinfect hands quickly 1. 75% medical alcohol, inactivate 99.9% of harmful 2. ...

surface cleansing wipes
surface cleansing wipes
Sani-Cloth® AF Universal

... Contains 200 wipes Packaging: 6/200's Dimensions: 200 x 200 mm Medical Device Class IIa Contains 200 wipes Packaging: 12/100's Dimensions: 280 x 200 mm Medical Device Class IIa Contains ...

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