Pulse oximeters with rechargeable battery

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8 companies | 9 products
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fingertip pulse oximeter
fingertip pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 25 unit - 250 unit
Oxygen level: 35 % - 100 %

Child Finger Pulse Oximeter Item No.: BM20 The BM20 is a new type of finger clip pulse oximeter developed for children. It has a small size, and the nail compartment ...

hand-held pulse oximeter
hand-held pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 25 unit - 300 unit
Oxygen level: 70 % - 100 %
Battery life: 36 h

... Display freezing button SpO2 and Pulse Rate Measurement. Display numeric and Waveform of SpO2 simultaneously. Long battery life -36 Hours on Ni-MH rechargeable ...

hand-held pulse oximeter
hand-held pulse oximeter

... customization. Product performance: 1. - Diversified functional combinations: PM4 Version A: SpO2, PM4 Version B: SpO2 + CO2, PM4 Version C: SpO2 + blood pressure. 3 different functional combinations ...

hand-held pulse oximeter
hand-held pulse oximeter

Handheld oximeter is suitable for home measurement of SPO2, PR and PI Optional TEMP and ECG, can monitor RR 3.2 inch HD display Ultra-light compact and portable 72H Trend record Touchable display multi-language switch probe ...

benchtop pulse oximeter
benchtop pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 20 unit - 300 unit
Oxygen level: 40 % - 100 %
Battery life: 2 h

MESI mTABLET SPO2 - The most flexible Pulse Oximeter. - An intuitive user interface with quickly adjustable operating modes - Large screen with high visibility of SpO₂ levels and heart ...

ring pulse oximeter
ring pulse oximeter

... medical-grade wearable ring pulse oximeter that monitors and tracks sleep, silently and immediately vibrating when abnormal heart rate and/or low oxygen levels are detected. Comfortable ...

hand-held pulse oximeter
hand-held pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 25 unit - 250 unit
Oxygen level: 35 % - 100 %

... /PR/Pulse bargraph/ plethysmogram. • Visual and sound prompt function. • Ajust the parameters in friendly menu. • Low Battery voltage indicator. • Automatically switch off within 3 minutes when ...

hand-held pulse oximeter
hand-held pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 30 unit - 250 unit
Oxygen level: 35 % - 100 %
Battery life: 15 h

A360 is a non-invasive, handheld Pulse Oximeter. It use OLED to display the arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate (PR), pulse strength and plethysmogram. It operates ...

wrist pulse oximeter
wrist pulse oximeter

Novel and elegant pattern, smart and light 0.95" OLED screen visible on two directions Built-in lithium battery and USB charging Suitable for: pregnant, old people, sport man, and person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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