Thigh support

4 companies | 8 products
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thigh support
thigh support

knee support
knee support

SINGLE GOEPEL KNEE CRUTCH 9902002 Knee crutch adjustable via ball-and-socket joint, complete with cushion and fixing strap. To be used with clamp to be ordered separately (advised code 9901023).

knee support
knee support

PAIR OF KNEE CRUTCHES 9902003 Lengthwise tiltable, and laterally adjustable on ball-and-socket joint. Included with cushion, fixing strap and clamps.

knee support
knee support

SINGLE PAEDIATRIC GOEPEL KNEE CRUTCH 9902012 Knee crutch adjustable via ball-and-socket joint with cushion and fixing strap. To be used with clamp to be ordered separately (advised code 9901023).

thigh support
thigh support

Fixed with reverse support (1 unity) Removable pad, half moon shape and rotating Dimensions: h720 X L300

thigh support
thigh support

The thigh support facilitates access to the surgical area, stabilizes the lower limbs of the patient, avoiding falls. Protects and supports the knee joints, preventing muscle tensions. ...

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thigh support
thigh support

The thigh support facilitates access to the surgical area, stabilizes the lower limbs of the patient, avoiding falls. Protects and supports the knee joints, preventing muscle tensions.

See the other products
thigh support
thigh support

The thigh support facilitates access to the surgical area, stabilizes the lower limbs of the patient, avoiding falls. Protects and supports the knee joints, preventing muscle tensions.

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