Truck ambulances

8 companies | 19 products
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intensive care ambulance
intensive care ambulance
WAS 500

Maximum permissible laden weight: 1,500 kg
Tare weight: 10,500 kg
Inner length: 4,790 mm

This large vehicle offers flexible solutions for a wide range of applications. The generously dimensioned patient compartment offers plenty of space to handle even a very complex intensive care transport. Moreover, the vehicle is optimally ...

truck ambulance
truck ambulance
WAS 500

Maximum permissible laden weight: 1,500 kg
Tare weight: 7,490 kg
Inner length: 4,410 mm

This large vehicle offers flexible solutions for a wide field of applications. With a maximum weight of 7.49 to, the vehicle can be driven with a category C1 driving licence. The large patient compartment offers plenty of space to manage ...

intensive care ambulance
intensive care ambulance
Mercedes Amb09

... implementing the ambulance abs covering, additional galvanizes can be appended to between the vehicle and covering. In the ambulance conversion kit, insulation material made of glass fiber wool was ...

rescue ambulance
rescue ambulance

... addition, there is a storage space under that sitting group. There is an ambulance oxygen system on the left side. The ambulance main stretcher on the right side of the ambulance. ...

intensive care ambulance
intensive care ambulance

It is produced from polyurethane material. There is a Mercedes Box Type Ambulance toolbox set, located in clamps which can be easily open, which is proper for the use of an ambulance in the patient cabinet. ...

truck ambulance
truck ambulance

The superstructure os made of aluminum profiles 6061 T6, fastened to a strong base structure made of stainless steel tubing.Connectors being used in assembling the profiles are of stainless steel 316L grade. The full superstructure assembly ...

paramedic ambulance
paramedic ambulance
Toyota Hard Top LC78 2023YM

... Frosted Side Glass. Triangle Sign Emergency window hammer Fire extinguisher Livery, Designing of Ambulance body All Kind of Warning Stickers inside ambulance Automatic Loading stretcher folding ...

multifunction ambulance
multifunction ambulance

multifunction ambulance
multifunction ambulance

truck ambulance
truck ambulance
MXP 170

To make an ambulance that can take on extreme conditions, you have to be extremely demanding when you build it. Demers Type 1 MXP ambulances are handling extreme conditions, from desert heat to icy mountain ...

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truck ambulance
truck ambulance

Total length: 360.3 in
Total width: 98 in
Total height: 113 in

... CCT services. Addressing this growing need and identifying the challenges agencies face, Braun Ambulances has introduced the new TLC (Total Life Care) ambulance model. The TLC is a collection of the ...

van ambulance
van ambulance
Volkswagen Transporter

The Type B 4×4 off-road ambulance Volkswagen Transporter is based on a Volkswagen Transporter T5 van, with 4×4 traction and average cant. This truck benefits of off-road suspension, canted in order to ...

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truck ambulance
truck ambulance

... medical equipment and bandages are also stocked in these ambulances to provide the first responders/EMTs the first aid equipment they need to treat the patients and monitor their vital signs. Ambulance ...

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