Wall-mounted posture mirrors

5 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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wall-mounted posture mirror
wall-mounted posture mirror

Wall-mountable safety mirrors with plain or grid surface WALL MIRROR WITH GRID SURFACE 5 x 5 cm drawn grid • steel frame, epoxy coated • dimensions 100 x 170 h ...

wall-mounted posture mirror
wall-mounted posture mirror

4mm-thick mirrors with accident prevention adhesive film. In case the mirror breaks, the fragments will not fall. Mirrors with safety film are mounted on a polystyrene ...

wall-mounted posture mirror
wall-mounted posture mirror

... full view, distortion-free glass mirror with ANSI “shatter stop” safety backing. Oak laminate frame. Equipped with mounting cleat for attachment to wall. Mirror frame measures 66″ ...

wall-mounted posture mirror
wall-mounted posture mirror

Mirror Single FEATURES Mirror Available in various colors Technical Specifications Lenght 80 cm Height 191 cm Weight 30 kg

wall-mounted posture mirror
wall-mounted posture mirror

Stainless steel adjustable mirror. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. Dim: 500mmx25mmx700mmh

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