X-ray ionization chambers

2 companies | 3 products
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X-ray ionization chamber
X-ray ionization chamber
RTI CT Ion Chamber 10 cm

RTI CT Ion Chamber for CTDI measurements. The RTI CT Ion Chamber 10 cm is a rugged, cylindrical pencil-shaped vented ionization chamber for CTDI measurements. It is ...

X-ray ionization chamber
X-ray ionization chamber
RTI CT Ion Chamber 30 cm

30 cm ionization chamber for free-in-air measurements The CT Ion Chamber 30 cm is a cylindrical pencil-shaped ionization chamber specially developed ...

X-ray ionization chamber
X-ray ionization chamber

... min measurement cycle). UHF, GSM/2G/3G/4G/LTE, radio or satellite modules as well as GPS can be integrated. Radiation type: X and Gamma Detector type: 2 or 3 energy-compensated Geiger-Mueller tubes

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