RollX DR a Mobile X-Ray system is based on HF XRay generation technology. This machine is most suitable for applications where ease of mobility is required like in trauma cases and bedside X-Rays in hospital wards and ICU’s. The machine is very compact, lightweight and can be taken through elevators with ease.
Special Features:
- Manual driven Mobile DR System.
- 14" x 17" wireless Flat Panel Detector.
- User-friendly large touch screen operating console.
- Images are displayed on the integrated monitor, as such retakes can be immediately
undertaken & additional image views can be chosen.
- Examinations are swift with high definition digital images produced within seconds after
- The immediate reproducibility of images enables trauma assessment teams to act instantly
on the clinical information e.g., doctors can interpret fractures immediately in the
emergency/trauma room.
- “Integra X” Integrated control panel for exposure and image parameters control.
- Operates on just 15 Amps / 230 Volt (single phase) standard wall socket.
- Exposure without detector.
- Wireless remote for ready & Exposure is provided.
- LAN connectivity with DICOM printer.
- DICOM 3.0 Compatible.
- Reporting Workstation (Optional).
- Image stitching software (optional).