OPTIVAC Vacuum rescue mattress according to DIN EN 1865
The OPTIVAC vacuum rescue mattress is the ultimate in quality, hygiene, safety and handling. It is equipped with permanent integrated underlay support made of a special, strong material with 14 handles all round, which increases flexibility during transport. The OPTIVAC vacuum rescue mattress is equipped with an automatically closing safety valve with vacuum limiter.
Extremely sturdy thanks to solid-material two-component PU film
Hygiene: easy cleaning due to completely sealed unit
No eyelets, belts, ropes (without textile components)
High signalling effect, new colour design
Perfect compatibility with all standard restraint systems
6-chamber system, head part designed for separate modelling#
Permeable to rays, suitable for X-rays, CT and MRI treatment
Automatically closing safety valve, no manual closing
Special filling material, high stability, without additional stiffeners
DIN EN 1865
Vacuum rescue mattress
with permanent integrated underlay support, 14 handles all around as well as 3 belts for positioning the patient.
Size: 80 x 210 cm
Weight: ca. 9.0 kg
Material: PU/PVC Foil
··single fold 100 x 73 x 16 cm
··double fold 80 x 73 x 22 cm