• Ultrasound Therapy, (7D HIFU) delivers focused ultrasound energy to the same foundational layer (SMAS) typically addressed bysurgeons during cosmetic surgery.
• Unlike lasers, radio-frequency and other devices, 7D HIFU bypasses the surface of the skin to deliver energy at optimal depths.
• Results occur instantly however best appear over two to three months as new collagen builds, gradually lifting and tightening the skin.
• Slimming process continues for up to 6 months post treatment.
Macro-focused cartridges at 6.0mm, 9.0mm, and 13.0mm directly transfer an equal distribution of ultrasound energy into the subcutaneous tissue of multiple body areas, inducing contractions as well as naturally disposing of stubborn fat cells for contouring purposes.
Four multi-depth cartridges directly transfer ultrasound energy into multiple layers of the face to trigger collagen renewal for a tighter, younger complexion. The 2.0mm cartridge can also treat both narrow and sensitive contours with a slimmer transducer and faster shot speed.
Small sizr tip:Apply to the upper and lower eyes, improve the fine lines of the upper and lower eyes and face
Medium size tip:Three dimensional heating of deep skin, RF energy reaching 4.3mm deep into the basement, stimulâtes collagen prolifération, smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin
Large size tipilmprove vibration mode, effectively tighten body skin and improve relaxation
- No Surgery or Injections
non-invasive, no cutting, no needles
- Single Treatment
One quick treatment (30 to 90 minutes depending on the treatment area) can deliver outstanding results for most patients.