SCORE is a symbol-based vocabulary that grows in line with the user. You can start working with it from an early age. Thanks to a fixed core vocabulary and a fringe vocabulary that can be expanded, SCORE can be tailored to your needs. SCORE has been developed in collaboration with the University of Cologne and works in Mind Express.
University research has shown that we use approximately 200 core words daily. These make up 80 % of our spoken language. In SCORE, the core vocabulary is always visible and clear. The core words are conveniently organized around the customizable and expandable fringe vocabulary. The communication boards offer core words as a basis, as well as a fringe vocabulary for expansion. The intention is that you keep building up your sentences from these core words. The fringe vocabulary evolves with the user. Although the board expands, the structure, colour code and position are preserved. Everything you’ve learned is exactly where you expect it to be. This is extremely useful when modelling.