By interchanging various parts, procedures such as external examination of a pregnant woman, internal examination during stages of delivery, practical obstetric assistance, perineal suture of soft birth canal lacerations, palpation of the uterus fundus during the puerperal period, and breast care can be practiced. Obstetric assistance can be practiced on the model in either a supine or free-style position.
Obstetric Abdominal Palpation Model
Representing 36th to 40th weeks of pregnancy.
Visual diagnosis, palpation and abdominal measurements (abdominal girth, fundal height) according to the four types of Leopold's Maneuvers, monitoring of fetal heartbeats, and breast care can be practiced.
Changing the position and orientation of the fetus enables diagnosis in various fetal positions and orientations, and diagnosis of stability and mobility of the fatal presenting part.
The fetal heartbeat can be adjusted between 80 and 180 bpm.
Vaginal Examination Model
Vaginal Examination Model Vulva Ⅱ is made from a highly elastic and soft material that gives the feeling of the vaginal wall surrounding the finger.
The ischial spine and pubic symphysis can be felt.
Bishop scores from the late stage of pregnancy to the onset of labor (cervical dilation, effacement, consistency and position) can be confirmed.
Three models with varying degrees of uterus opening dilation are provided, along with a model of the fetal head. These can be interchanged and the degree of engagement of fetal head can be adjusted, making it possible to gauge the progression of labor by means of vaginal examination.