Using post-column derivatization
Bromate determinations EPA 317/326 with 440/355 nm
Easy sample preparation
Detection by post-column derivatization with photometers
Compatible with the common eluents and columns
Compatibility with IC columns
Designed for very low detection levels and complex detection in Ion Chromatography
This generally more complex detection technique is used if the detection by means of conductivity provides only very small peaks, so that the sensitivity is quite low or this optical detection is much more sensitive.
This can reduce the detection limit by orders of magnitude, as for example with bromate to less than 1 ppb.
This IONUS Post Column Derivatization (PCD) does not have a built-in conductivity detector. Instead, it has a reactor for derivatization followed by a single wavelength photometer.
Different wavelengths are required for these special applications and used colour reactions. These single wavelength photometers are very sensitive compared to a variable UV/VIS detector, and it can be easily changed by the user.
The choice of wavelength depends on the selected colour reaction, such as for the two bromate determinations according to EPA 317 or 326 with 440 nm or 355 nm.
This IONUS PCD also offers the advantage that it can be used with IC columns of all manufacturers and is compatible with all common eluents of anion and cation chromatography.