Restoring Functional Stability and Reducing Proprioceptive Deficit
CAMOped was developed for active and independent exercise therapy for patients with injuries on the knee joint and hip joint. Functional stability and compensation for proprioceptive deficit can therefore be achieved more easily and more quickly. More than 60,000 treatments with patient satisfaction of 85% stand testament to the effectiveness of the CAMOped.
CAMOped Advantages at a Glance
Proprioceptive recovery. CAMOped encourages gentle movement from the outset (sense of position, movement and strength are targeted)
Significant reduction in proprioceptive deficit demonstrated by study*
Independently learning to perceive the own bending and stretching movement and consciously discerning how far the knee can be bent and stretched until pain is feeling
Anatomically correct motion. Exercising with CAMOped follows the “closed chain” principle of physiotherapy, as the foot is held in place in the CAMOped
Useable at home and beyond to actively work towards regaining functional stability, perfect complement to physiotherapy
CAMOped Indications
Cruciate ligament injuries
Knee and hip replacements
Displacement osteotomies
Post-operative rehabilitation of menisci and joint cartilage