The LBX-647 LaserBoxx consists of a laser diode emitter with an integrated driver. It provides a low-noise optical output, utlra-high beam quality and allows for fast modulation.
The LBX LaserBoxx offers an excellent stability and fast modulation capabilities.
It makes it the best product for Fluorescence microscopy, Super resolution Imaging, Confocal Microscopy, Flow citometry, DNA Sequencing, Optogentics, Polymer curing, Material analysis and Laser marking.
LBX-647 is compatible in the L4Cc Combiner and L6Cc Combiner .
It provides with :
Integrated control electronics
SM/PM/MM fiber coupling options
USB and RS232 interfaces
Dedicated control software
External controller with power display (Plug&Play versions, CDRH-compliant)
140 mW