Tecno-gaz S.p.A has developed SLIM, a parabolic surgical/scialytic lamp for use in dental surgeries, available as standard lamp, ceiling lamp and in a general arm version.
With this new model, Tecno-Gaz has widened its range of surgical lamps, so becoming the sole dental company specialised in this important field. SLIM is the ultimate solution to the problem of surgical lighting in outpatient operations. Thanks to its features and technical structure, it meets every requirement of dental treatments and patient operations. The lighting of the operating field is fundamental in modern dentistry, and SLIM has been designed and produced as a suitable answer to this requirement.
The numerous, undisputed advantages of LED technology explain its development in every field.
SLIM is a lamp for outpatient and diagnostic use.
The bright, cold light of SLIM, 50000°K, faithfully reproduces every colour and assures excellent detail definition; this is an important requirement for different outpatient specialities.
The physical law of reflection is the basis of Tecno-Gaz lamps and is expressed through a system of ellipses.
These ellipses reflect the rays of light emitted by the LEDs onto the field to be illuminated, thus
obtaining a high light intensity with a small number of LEDs: more than 50000 Lux at a 1 metre distance with only 12 LEDs.
The circular reflector, designed to illuminate the operating field perfectly without shadows, has useful side handles to simplify positioning.