SonoRad V20 is a Superior & Reliable Color Doppler Ultrasound which can be used for wide range of clinical applications. The unique features of SonoRad V20 will further provide maximum value at an affordable cost and is ideal for Nursing Homes, Diagnostic Centres and Large & Mid-Size Hospitals.
Kiran Sonorad V20 offers a Comprehensive Diagnostic experience with Superior Image quality, multiple measurement packages. It supports wide variety of probes to suit major applications like Obstretics/Gynaecology, Radiology with high performance SonoRad V20 supports cardiology features like TDI as well and CW/PW/HPRF is available with supporting probe. SonoRad V20 will be a right choice for multi-dimensional and whole body Color Doppler with high performance to cost ratio.
SonoRad V20 is powered by Advanced Imaging Architecture which is backed by Comprehensive Image Processing tools which leads to Superior & Consistent Image quality.
Pulse Inverse Harmonic Imaging – PIHI
PIHI is a new modality that distorts the fundamental pulse signal and extracts the pure broadband harmonic signal due to its highest amplitude. PIHI improves overall image uniformity with higher resolution and higher penetration than the traditional Tissue Harmonic Imaging (THI).
Speckle Reduction Imaging – LanSRI
LanSRI function is capable of decomposing the image to a group of smaller ones in a pyramid structure, analysing the texture information to remove speckle noise in different scales and then deconstructing the image after the noise suppression. LanSRI can help to enhance smooth along preferred edge direction, reduce variation within speckle region and maintain local mean grey scale level.