Portable Ultrasound Bone Densitometer for pharmaceutical company for bone density testing
— To measure the bone density or bone strength of the People’s radius and tibia for Preventing osteoporosis
Safe for the measurement of younger or pregnant person, with non-invasive nature of ultrasound
Convenient measuring parts: 1/3 of Radius and Middle of Tibia
Approx. 3 seconds per measurement, suitable for screening test for osteoporosis
Main Function of the portable ultrasound Bone Densitometry is to measure the bone density or bone strength of the People's radius and tibia. It is for Preventing osteoporosis.
It is an economic solution for evaluating the risk of osteoporotic fracture. Its high accuracy assists in the first diagnosis of osteoporosis monitoring bone changes. It provides fast, convenient and easy-to-use informations on bone quality and fracture risk.
this model is very easy to carry , this model was choose by GSK, Roche Group,999 Group, Wyeth and Amyway and yangshengtang , Byhealth, Renhe, some other pharmaceutical company, they use this do bone density testing, to promote their medicine
Our BMD have extensive application: it used for Maternal and Child Health Centers, Geriatric Hospital, Sanatorium, Rehabilitation Hospital, Bone Injury Hospital, Physical Examination Center, Health Center, Community Hospital, Pharmaceutical factory, Pharmacy and Health Care Products
The Department of the General Hospital, Such as Pediatric Department, Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, Orthopedics Department, Geriatrics Department, Physical Examination, Department, Rehabilitation Department