V-Veil-Up Production

About Us

V-VEIL-UP PRODUCTION is a European company registered in EUDAMED as producer of Medical Devices, Systems and Kit Producers that manufactures and sells the best patented self-sampling veil to detect HPV. The company was established in 2019 and runs under Romanian and EU laws. We produce and distribute an innovative self-sampling Medical Device for women, called V-Veil UP2 Vaginal Veil Collector, used to carry out laboratory tests for HPV and BTS. V-Veil UP2 is produced according EN ISO13485:2016 in an ISO8 certified facility, and it is registered in EUDAMED and Romanian National Agency of Medicine and Medical Devices (NAMMD).

The Pompidou hospital in France confirmed in their study that our Vaginal Veil Collector was 2 times more effective in detecting high-risk oncogenic papillomaviruses (HPV-HR) than the classic method using the best swab.

Our veil and our kits are suitable for:

* HPV National Campaigns,

* NGOs that organize HPV screening campaigns,

* hospitals,

* clinics,

* laboratories

* anybody who want to have the best product, a better approach for women and to save more lives.

O.E.M. procces available on demand.

We provide the solution, you get the best result!

Our values

At V-Veil UP Production, we value and respect the life, innovate in order to prioritize the health, believe in progress, common sense and performance, and we try to be our best option at every moment and at every level.