Buck reflex hammers

11 companies | 14 products
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Buck reflex hammer
Buck reflex hammer

HS-401G3 Fallow Hammer Model No.HS-401G3 Fallow Hammer Weight and Size for Mainbody Weight(g)90 Length(mm)186 Width(mm)56

Babinski reflex hammer
Babinski reflex hammer

Set includes: 7" Buck neurological hammer with an octagonal, chrome plated handle, dual latex-free heads, and removable needle and brush * 7.5" Taylor hammer with a latex-free black triangular ...

Babinski reflex hammer
Babinski reflex hammer

Reflex Hammers Set Stainless Steel 3 Pieces Set Satin Finish

Babinski reflex hammer
Babinski reflex hammer

... MDF® Babinski Buck® Reflex Hammer is a 5-in-1 multifunctional hammer designed to perform all reflex tests with less effort and greater patient comfort ...

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MDF Instruments
Buck reflex hammer
Buck reflex hammer
M1.121 series

... M1.121.812, Reflex hammer according to Buck, aluminium, ice-blue M1.121.513, Reflex hammer according to Buck, aluminium, colza yellow M1.121.412, ...

Babinski reflex hammer
Babinski reflex hammer

Available in: -Babinski (telescopic) -Taylor (triangular head) -Buck (dual heads) -Babinski (detachable head) -Queen square REPUTABLE BRAND. As a family owned business, Timesco have been at the forefront of medical ...

Buck reflex hammer
Buck reflex hammer

Buck reflex hammer
Buck reflex hammer

Zinc alloy handle; PVC head; Diagnostic Pin can be screwed off conveniently in the head, while diagnostic brush can be taken out in the end.

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Zhejiang Honsun Medical Technology
Babinski reflex hammer
Babinski reflex hammer

All FB- diagnostic products can be used as promotional gifts, promotional print or engraving possible.

Babinski reflex hammer
Babinski reflex hammer
CBC Percuflex

... adjustable turnable head rotates 360° slightly flexible handle pointed handle tip for plantar reflex testing total length 21 cm the CBC Percuflex hammer is available in two weights with 75 g and 150 ...

Buck reflex hammer
Buck reflex hammer

For more than 10 years Thempson produce Surgical Instruments of the utmost quality and reliability. Our developments are based on the latest technical innovations and intensive contact with professionals around the world. More than 15,000 ...

Berliner reflex hammer
Berliner reflex hammer
DF-15 series

Frigz provides products to thousands of hospitals through its global distribution network of importers and distributors. In some countries our instruments are being sold under the ‘Frigz’ brand through country exclusive distributors. In ...

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