Dental aligners

8 companies | 11 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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dental alignment dental splint
dental alignment dental splint

The dreamTAP™ splint is characterised by a guiding device implemented in the lower jaw, offering additional space for the tongue and thus higher wearing comfort. It is infinitely adjustable and has interchangeable hooks, enabling a protrusion ...

dental aligner
dental aligner

lmprove and prevent dental problems. Streamlined one size fits,conforms to human oral cavity. Designed to fit the human oral cavity. Dental guard is uniquely desinged to be worn on either your upper ...

dental aligner
dental aligner
3D Custom

Easy, effortless fitting! SISU Mouthguards are known for their unmatched protection, comfort, cleanliness, and remoldability. Though it might not seem possible, we made an even better mouthguard! SISU 3D improves on previous ...

See the other products
Akervall Technologies, Inc. (SOVA and SISU)
transparent dental aligner
transparent dental aligner
50-0YDM-4 series

Specifically designed for creating forces and open spaces with aligners

dental aligner
dental aligner

... single-arch retainers, providing insurance against inevitable loss or damage. Specifications Indications Ideal for holding teeth in place for patients who have completed orthodontic treatment. Material Composition BPA-free ...

See the other products
Glidewell Europe
dental alignment dental splint
dental alignment dental splint

Superior comfort, strength and retention Ideal for facial pain, headache sufferers, bruxers, and clenchers, these low-profile appliances are lightweight, flexible and strong. Nylon appliances precisely engage the undercuts to provide ...

transparent dental aligner
transparent dental aligner

Meet aesthetic requirements Customized 3D precisely design Comfortable Easy to wear Efficient

dental alignment dental splint
dental alignment dental splint
ST 121

... in maxillo-facial surgery, in sections or 1-meter rolls,(Erich Arch bar) standard models and wire splints wires: dental round for binding bone fragments, ligature and prosthetic wires in 5, 10 and 15-meter ...

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