Fibrin reagents

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6 companies | 7 products
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prothrombin reagent
prothrombin reagent

Storage temperature: -20 °C - 8 °C

The capacity of blood to form a fibrin clot by means of the intrinsic hemostatic pathway requires coagulation factors I, II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII, platelet lipids and calcium. The assay is performed by the addition ...

solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

Ready-to-use Liquid Clinical Biochemistry Reagent Pack Size: General and bulk package Applicable Biochemistry Analyzer: Hitachi/Beckman AU/Abbott/Roche Cobas/Olympus/Mindray

solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit
Thrombotic function

PIC, TAT, TM, t-PAIC, FDP, D-Dimer Related diseases: Thrombotic diseases, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, pulmonary embolism and other Application departments: Cardiovascular Department, Reproductive Immunology Department, ...

solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

Storage temperature: 2 °C - 8 °C

... kinds of clinical chemistry reagents that meet clinical requirement Multiple items available for attached calibrators Traceable matching calibrators provided to ensure detection results and lower user costs Reagent ...

solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

Our reagents for the determination of PT, aPTT, Clauss Fibrinogen, D-Dimer, Antithrombin III, Protein-C, Protein-S and FDP offer the best for working with the miniClot 4 Plus.

D-dimer reagent
D-dimer reagent

During plasma coagulation soluble fibrin is generated. By degradation of cross-linked fibrin, characteristic products called D-dimers are released. Increased D-Dimer levels indicate the activation of ...

fetal bovine serum reagent
fetal bovine serum reagent

Storage temperature: -10 °C

... serum undergoes rigorous testing and processing to ensure the highest quality and safety standards, including the removal of fibrin and other clotting factors. This serum is also subjected to viral and mycoplasma screening ...

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