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- Guinea pig ventilator
Guinea pig ventilators
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Tidal volume: 0.1 ml - 5 ml
R415 is a mechanical ventilator used to assist animal respiration, suitable for mice, rats, and guinea pigs, and other animals weighing 10g-1kg. It is widely used in basic medical ...
Built-in dog and cat standard ventilation parameters, veterinarians only need to enter the animal’s weight, and then other parameters will be matched automatically such as respiratory rate, tidal volume, and peak airway pressure. R419 ...
The RoVent Jr. Small Animal Ventilator is ideal for mice, rats and guinea pigs up to 1,250 grams. The ventilator is fully automatic, simply enter the animals weight and ...
Animal ventilators are commonly used equipment to assist animal respiration. They are widely used in experimental research in basic medicine and surgical operations in clinical medicine. They are suitable for small animals ...
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