Infection control ambulances

4 companies | 7 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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infection control first response vehicle
infection control first response vehicle
WAS 300

Tare weight: 3,500 kg

... vehicle that is both light and spacious with a feel of fresh and clean environment. Special thought has also been given to infection control with clean lines and a fully sealed interior. The result is ...

intensive care ambulance
intensive care ambulance
WAS 500

Maximum permissible laden weight: 250, 1,500 kg
Tare weight: 10,000 kg
Inner length: 4,990 mm

This multifunction vehicle enables both intensive care patients and obese or infectious patients to be transported thanks to the generous space available. The securing rails embedded in the floor of the vehicle make it possible both to ...

infection control ambulance
infection control ambulance
WAS 500

Tare weight: 5,000 kg

... extra large Central locking for all doors and compartments Special infection transport equipment Air-treatment system with integrated pressure option Automatic climate control via the air-treatment ...

infection control ambulance
infection control ambulance

Description AMBULANCEMED INFECTION TYPE AMBULANCE Infection Type Ambulance is specially designed for the transportation of infected patients (who have contagious ...

intensive care ambulance
intensive care ambulance

It is produced from polyurethane material. There is a Mercedes Box Type Ambulance toolbox set, located in clamps which can be easily open, which is proper for the use of an ambulance in the patient cabinet. ...

infection control ambulance
infection control ambulance

Wheeled Coach offers ambulances purpose-built to safely transport patients with symptoms related to high-risk infection diseases while maximizing protections for first responders and medical personnel. Configurations ...

infection control ambulance
infection control ambulance

... crew cab ambulance models designed to safely transport patients with symptoms related to high-risk infectious diseases and maximize protection of first responders and medical personnel. In addition to an isolated ...

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