Infrared thermal cameras

8 companies | 15 products
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medical thermal camera
medical thermal camera

Temperature range: 20 °C - 50 °C

T120H Fever Screening Thermal Camera is a fast temperature detection tool, which can be used to detect human temperature from a safety distance with accuracy of ±0.5℃. It is an economical and practical ...

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Wuhan Guide Sensmart Tech Co., Ltd.
medical thermal camera
medical thermal camera

... -core Arm-Cortex A53 2.3GHz Operating System - Android 11 ROM (eMMC) - 32GB RAM - 3GB DDR3 Camera module (with thermal) - FF (pixel 4M) / thermal camera 80x60 LED ...

medical thermal camera
medical thermal camera
Xi 400

Temperature range: -20 °C - 1,500 °C

... benefits of a robust, compact pyrometer and an advanced IR camera. The 80 Hz frame rate allows for the monitoring of fast thermal processes, even including a line-scan function. The spot ...

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Optris GmbH
medical thermal camera
medical thermal camera

Temperature range: 20 °C - 50 °C

Shunbo Infrared Human temperature screening system can help detect elevated body temperatures which may indicate the presence of a fever without making contact. As such, the use of infrared as an adjunctive ...

medical thermal camera
medical thermal camera

It is a non-invasive device that detects infrared radiation naturally emitted from the human body and provides color images of minute body heat changes due to painful areas, inflammation, and interrupted blood circulation ...

medical thermal camera
medical thermal camera

Measurement duration: 2, 3 s

... prevents people from passing Access to camera live feed Auto height adjustment Health questionnaire enabled (Requires additional add-on) NEW PoE capability NEW Additional infrared LEDs NEW Dual ...

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Richtech System
medical thermal camera
medical thermal camera

Temperature range: 10 °C - 42 °C

Specifications: - Size: 8 inch - - Camera: 200W pixel - CPU RK3288 - - RAM: 2GB - O/S: Android 7.1 - - ROM: 8GB - Alarm threshold: Adjustable - - Temperature output: Real-time parallel output - ...

medical thermal camera
medical thermal camera
EXPEC 1810

Product overview EXPEC 1810 is a high precision and fast response thermographic camera for body temperature detection adopts far infrared absorption technology. It can be operated as remote distance ...

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