Laminar flow cytotoxic safety cabinets

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3 companies | 3 products
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nuclear medicine cytotoxic safety cabinet
nuclear medicine cytotoxic safety cabinet

... a Class II biohazard safety cabinets with a GMP grade A laminar flow, with different shielding configurations; it is designed for the manual preparation of Nuclear Medicine ...

containment cytotoxic safety cabinet
containment cytotoxic safety cabinet

Cytotoxic Safety Cabinet HFsafe CY series of Class 2 Safety cabinet with "Safe Change" triple filter configuration is your guarantee of highest level ...

containment cytotoxic safety cabinet
containment cytotoxic safety cabinet

Window opening: 200 mm - 420 mm
Sound level: 54, 55, 56, 53 dB
External width: 1,045, 1,350, 1,655, 1,930 mm

... air at a minimum speed of 0.40 m/s and a recirculation system for the remaining 70%, which is sent to the working area in laminar flow at a speed between 0.25 and 0.5 m/s (as defined by the DIN-12980 ...

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