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- Mouthpiece anti-snoring mouthpiece
Mouthpiece anti-snoring mouthpieces
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... experience in the field of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. The patented anti-snoring mandibular advancement orthosis with unequalled comfort The anti-snoring ...
... benefits of healthy, restorative sleep. The SomnoFit orthosis for snoring and sleep apnoea uses the recognised principle of mandibular advancement. This technique eliminates or reduces snoring in more ...
... mandibular advancement. The anti-snoring mouthpieces are designed to be placed in the mouth and improve your sleep. They are placed on the upper and lower parts of the jaw. Somnolis: ...
Developed with advanced technology, the dreamTAP™ appliance is designed to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. PDAC (Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding) contractor-verified for Medicare reimbursement: Code E0486 Advances ...
Glidewell Europe
Apnea Guard is a patented non-custom oral appliance that can be fitted in less than 15 minutes by any trained health professional and worn for up to 30 nights. The patented design utilizes a combination of tongue size and sex to select ...
ApneaRx is clinically proven to alleviate mild to moderate Sleep Apnea and promote a better night’s sleep. ApneaRx is the only affordable boil and bite device that comes in two sizes, Standard and Small, and is easily adjustable ...
SomnoGuard® SPX is a two-piece, prefabricated mandibular advancement device for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is associated with breathing stops at night. It is ...
... cause the snoring noise. So snoring is a mechanical process that can be counteracted mechanically. Here the dental therapy comes into action. Light or primary snoring do not have consequences ...
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