Sepsis POC analyzers

5 companies | 7 products
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cardiovascular disease POCT analyzer
cardiovascular disease POCT analyzer
Quant-fluo 800

... is an Immunofluorescence Quantitative Analyzer for diagnosing patients with Symptoms such as chest pain, stuffy of difficult breathing; Patients with high risk of cardiovascular disease; Bacterial infection or sepsis. ...

cardiovascular disease POCT analyzer
cardiovascular disease POCT analyzer

... benchtop automatic Immunofluorescence Analyzer for diagnosing patients with Symptoms such as chest pain, stuffy of difficult breathing; Patients with high risk of cardiovascular disease; Bacterial infection or sepsis. ...

sepsis POC reader
sepsis POC reader

Measurement of a range of major acute phase inflammatory protein markers in animal blood Lightweight, portable and convenient POC device delivering results when and where they are required Eliminate delays in sending ...

anemia POC analyzer
anemia POC analyzer

POC TCD system for Routine Diagnostics in versatile medical settings. Compact, portable and efficient with touchscreen and battery option. Individual and easily integrated into clinics, ORs, ICUs, and medical practices. Benefits ...

hematocrit POC analyzer
hematocrit POC analyzer
EMS Stat Data Link™

... determine the appropriate transport site for patients with trauma, sepsis, or other specialized needs. LactateElevated blood lactate is a rapid, sensitive indicator of tissue hypoxia, sepsis, septic ...

See the other products
Nova Biomedical
hematocrit POC analyzer
hematocrit POC analyzer
EMS Stat Basic

... determine the appropriate transport site for patients with trauma, sepsis, or other specialized needs. Elevated blood lactate is a rapid, sensitive indicator of tissue hypoxia, sepsis, septic shock, ...

See the other products
Nova Biomedical
cardiovascular disease POC reader
cardiovascular disease POC reader
Nano-Checker™ 710

... densities of the test line on tested Nano-CheckTM devices and converts them to a concentration value. It is a cost effective point of care testing solution for primary screening at emergency rooms and Physician offices. ...

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