Urodynamic systems with pelvic electromyography

5 companies | 9 products
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computer-based urodynamic system
computer-based urodynamic system
Nexam Pro

... comprehensive system that offers unique flexibility and modularity, ideal for both routine clinical urodynamics and research. As well as all types of standard urodynamic procedures, ...

computer-based urodynamic system
computer-based urodynamic system
Aquarius® XT

COMPREHENSIVE WIRELESS URODYNAMICS SYSTEM. The Aquarius LT, Aquarius CT, Aquarius CTS and Aquarius XT are modular, wireless Urodynamics systems that enable healthcare ...

digital urodynamic system
digital urodynamic system

... a high-end urodynamic system for urology/urogynaecology that leaves nothing to be desired. It naturally covers all the standard urodynamic methods of measurement for the urinary tract. ...

digital urodynamic system
digital urodynamic system

Anal manometry & EMG With the Cassini system the coloproctologist and interdisciplinary surgeon have at their disposal a high-end anal manometric diagnostic system that meets the highest ...

computer-based urodynamic system
computer-based urodynamic system

... PICO® SMART can be expanded with the following options: Video-urodynamics to combine x-ray or ultrasound images and short movies with the urodynamic tracings. Biofeedback for the pelvic ...

computer-based urodynamic system
computer-based urodynamic system
(CURO) Morpheus® Office

MORPHEUS® OFFICE URODYNAMICS Includes Integrated Digitally Controlled Infusion Pump, One Custom Designed Patient Cable with IV Pole Attachment, One Wireless Uroflowmetry Load Cell with Battery Charger, ...

computer-based urodynamic system
computer-based urodynamic system
(MORADV) Morpheus® UHD Advanced

MORPHEUS® UHD ADVANCED URODYNAMICS Includes one 27” Curved UHD Monitor, One Integrated Digitally Controlled Infusion Pump, One Custom Designed Patient Cable with IV Pole Attachment, One Turbo Speed ...

computer-based urodynamic system
computer-based urodynamic system
(MORVID) Morpheus® UHD Video

... VIDEO URODYNAMICS Includes choice of one 34” Curved UHD Monitor with Split Screen Display or one 27” Curved UHD Monitor with Split Screen Display, One Integrated Digitally Controlled Infusion Pump, One Custom Designed ...

computer-based urodynamic system
computer-based urodynamic system

MAESTRO is a modern and reliable urodynamic system the result of over twenty years’ experience, research and development. It is a measurement system that ensures the most sophisticated ...

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