Urinary flow meters with pelvic electromyography

4 companies | 4 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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digital urinary flow meter
digital urinary flow meter
Oruba Oruflow

... CE-certified and FDA-registered self-operating uroflowmeter that does not require operator support. It is designed to register the patient and begin the examination process automatically. The system measures the urine ...

digital urinary flow meter
digital urinary flow meter

The Kopernicus is a combination of uroflowmeter and EMG recording. In addition, graphical, biofeedback-based animations can significantly simplify the diagnosis of bladder voiding disorders in children. The ...

digital urinary flow meter
digital urinary flow meter
Pico Flow 2

THE FIRST ALL-IN-ONE UROFLOWMETER TO PROVIDE THESE RESULTS Pico Flow2 is a double-channel uroflowmeter for Uroflowmeter and Electromyography examinations ...

digital urinary flow meter
digital urinary flow meter

... tests : UROFLOW ( wireless ) Urinary flow meter with pelvic electromyography (Optional on request) The system is computerized and can interface ...

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