- Medical Technical Facilities >
- Healthcare IT, Telemedicine >
- Veterinary PACS
Veterinary PACS
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Clipper is our web server designed to make images and reports available for the general practicioners or the specialists. Any explorer can visiualize the images (Safari, Chrome, Firefox...) Reports and images can be visualized in the ...

Med Archive is a cost effective and efficient solution that enables to archive on different media withoutneeding a PACS. Web-based interface for administration Scalable and secure Dicom Store and Query& Retrieve Oldest ...

Upgrade Your Veterinary Practice with the State-of-the-art Imaging Technology. - Image Digitalization - • Shortens waiting time and improves efficiency in data storage and management Ultra-Fast Image Loading - • ...

Specialized tools to meet the needs of veterinary technicians, radiologists, doctors, and surgeons carrying out a vast array of procedures. A range of features from automated archiving, instant backup, rapid recovery, ...

... and no increase in your annual fee. Veterinary Tools Vertebral Heart Score TPLO Analysis TTA Analysis Norberg Hip Analysis Acompanied Softwares JPI Cloud PACS can be used with ExamVue Duo and ...
JPI Healthcare Solutions

Local digital radiography processing, measurement, communication, and storage solution. Optimum imaging management system. Worklist Tools Image Delete Edit Patient File In/Out DICOM Send Merge Comment Compare Report Flexible ...
JPI Healthcare Solutions
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