AbC-19™ is a lateral flow test that detects SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) neutralising antibodies before creating an antibody certificate via a smartphone app.
This flexible, easy solution shows confirmation to individuals who have developed IgG neutralising antibodies following COVID-19 infection or vaccination. Neutralising antibodies are an important factor in the determination of a person’s immunity status.
Healthcare professionals, laboratory professionals or trained lay providers can use this reliable and accurate rapid test (Sensitivity: 98.03%, Specificity: 99.56%) before sending an antibody certificate to someone for storing on their smartphone.
This COVID-19 antibody certificate service may hold the key to help determine if someone is fit to fly or safe to attend a large event. To learn how our AbC-19™ solution can be part of the strategy to open up your business or community, contact Abingdon Health.