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In-line filling machine POP

in-line filling machine
in-line filling machine
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Container type
Production capacity

Min.: 1,500 p/h

Max.: 6,000 p/h


BRAM-COR PVC-free machines POP2 (producing bags with PIPES) or POP1 (producing bags with connectors) are designed to produce I.V. solution bags, in format from 50 ml up to 5000 ml, turning a non-PVC film into a finished infusional bag, filled, sealed and printed. BRAM-COR offers equipment with capacities ranging from 1500 upto 6000 bags per hour depending on the bag format. Key factors for productivity are packing material quality, utilities compliance to specifications and operating level. The main features of these equipments are: Compact structure and high production efficiency; Production of several formats, according to specification for bag forming. Full automation is ensured by a PLC controller and SCADA supervisor. Product critical parameters (such as temperature of film welding electrodes) are monitored in the different production stations – from film feeding to bags forming and bags filling . In-line quality control is ensured by advanced Process Analytical Technologies. The filling station is prepared for CIP and SIP system, to save cleaning time and assure sterilization effect. During CIP all the parts in contact with drugs are thoroughly cleaned.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.