TotalCare Bariatric Bed delivers innovative support to help mobilize patients of size without compromising dignity.
Mobilize with confidence
Supports Progressive Mobility Program protocols to gradually progress patients from lying in bed, to sitting up, to standing: CLRT, tilt table position, FullChair position, chair egress with stand assist, patient lifts or accessories enable walking support
Deliver efficient care
FlexAFoot length adjustment enables quick and easy adjustment of bed to fit patient, minimizing migration and need for repositioning
Integrated scale
IntelliDrive power transport helps enable safe and efficient transport of patients throughout the hospital
Protect patients and caregivers
40” pressure redistribution air surface automatically adjusts to patient's weight, body type, movement and bed position to help treat and prevent pressure ulcers
Advanced Microclimate technology helps reduce accumulation of heat and moisture at the surface, keeping patient's skin cool and dry
Turn assist helps make it easier to perform linen changes and wound checks
Bed exit helps supports fall prevention protocols
Standard features
Point-of-Care siderail controls
Color touch screen Graphic Caregiver Interface (GCI)
Head-of-Bed alarms (30°/45°)
Head and Trendelenburg angle indicators
Bed exit
Battery backup
In-bed scale
Radiolucent sleep deck
FlexAFoot mechanism
Optional features
IntelliDrive powered transport (standard on rental)
Patient pendant
SideCom patient communication controls (Nurse call, universal TV/radio, and lighting) – Capital purchase only
Patient-helper trapeze (standard on rental)