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Dual-channel patch-clamp system ChannelMAX
for research

dual-channel patch-clamp system
dual-channel patch-clamp system
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for research


This system is similar to the ChannelMAX 100A Mini except it can be used for doing two two-electrode voltage clamp experiments or up to four patch clamp experiments simultaneously. ChannelMAX 100A Twin Key Features Run dual two-electrode voltage clamp experiments simultaneously With two additional micromanipulators, the system can do dual two-electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) experiments silumtaneously. Designed to be affordable to the scientific community, this system increases productivity significantly. Additional units can be run in parallel to further increase TEVC throughput. Run up to four patch clamp simultaneously As each manipulator can do one patch clamp experiment, the ChannelMAX 100A Twin can run up to four patch clamp experiments at the same time. This system significantly increases productivity for patch clamp. High quality single channel recording Since the computer controlled manipulators guide the patch pipettes to touch the cell membrane in a more precise and consistent manner than manually controlled manipulators, the success rate of making seals is over 90%. The system possesses the same high quality, noise free, low drift and vibration free data acquisition as the PatchMAX 100A system. Best value This system is more cost effective than a traditional electrophysiology setup. In order to reach the same functionality and productivity using a traditional setup, the equipment cost is more expensive, as compared in the table below. Plus labor cost is additional. Coming with the lower cost is also better quality.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.