A20 is an entry-level ultrasound system that excels in general-purpose examinations. Leveraging the advanced Realview+ platform, A20 delivers satisfactory image quality and provides smart applications to bolster users’ diagnostic confidence. Its ergonomic industrial design and user-oriented workflow optimize the operational procedure, allowing users to dedicate more time to diagnosis.
★ Outlook
+ High-resolution monitor, available in 3 sizes (18.5”, 21.5”, 23”)
+ Intuitive touch screen, available in 2 sizes (13.3”, 15.6”)
+ 4 probe connectors
+ Specialized holder for intracavity probe
★ Smooth Operation
+ MyWorkflow enables personalized scanning workflow setting with enhanced efficiency
+ Multi-functional knobs for quick parameter adjustment
+ Real-time function display on the monitor provides clear indication during operation
★ General Purposes
+ Auto IMT
+ VS Flow
+ Strain Elastography
★ OB / GYN
+ Basic assessment
+ Auto FLC
+ Lumi 4D Lite
+ Auto OB
+ Compatible with transvaginal probe, 4D convex probe